If you suffer harm because of a person’s or a company’s actions, you may be entitled to legal compensation. Dealing with damages due to a defective product involves several aspects that are different from other types of personal injury cases.
Pursuing compensation for injuries caused by a defective product can involve complex questions. Our firm has solid experience in this area. Given our experience, we are capable of giving you the extensive information and advice your need based upon the specific facts of your case.
Generally, product liability cases operate under a system of strict liability. In most other types of personal injury cases, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant behaved negligently in causing the accident that led to the injury. However, in a product liability case, what you must show is that the product was unreasonably dangerous and that this unreasonable danger caused the injury. You do not have to prove anyone acted negligently in causing the product to be unreasonably dangerous.
law firm

Daniel P. Cusack
Attorney at Law